5 Minute Fiction: Gingerbread Spa

5 Minute Fiction: Gingerbread Spa

July 19, 2024

Man, it’s been a long, hard day. So when I saw that steaming mug of hot chocolate, I knew it was made for me.

Sliding into the mug of warm, rich liquid, every limb in my body went pleasantly limp. Just took the stress right out of me, and let me tell you, it’s been a stressful day...

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A Selection of Drabbles

A Selection of Drabbles

February 21, 2024

This past Fall (2023), I spent some time writing drabbles.

Drabbles are one hundred word stories; exactly one hundred words. It's always challenging to write very short, but an exact word count requirement adds a little something extra.

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5 Minute Fiction: The Fifth Date

5 Minute Fiction: The Fifth Date

June 06, 2023

The minute I started up the steps to her apartment, I knew I’d made a terrible mistake. Her tentacles had grown...

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The Horse Came Back Alone, Part 2

The Horse Came Back Alone, Part 2

March 01, 2023

A society lives on the brink of fire and smoke, ever hoping to reach fertile, green grounds. This time, they just may... 

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The Horse Came Back Alone, Part 1

The Horse Came Back Alone, Part 1

February 20, 2023

A society lives on the brink of fire and smoke, ever hoping to reach fertile, green grounds. This time, they just may...

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5 Minute Fiction: Charlie

5 Minute Fiction: Charlie

February 20, 2023

A man wins a goldfish at a carnival, and it changes his life.

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5 Minute Fiction: Their Love Could Follow Moonstones

5 Minute Fiction: Their Love Could Follow Moonstones

December 08, 2022

A man and a woman unexpectedly meet on the commuter train platform on their way to work when a half-eaten bagel falls to the ground. (Short Fiction)

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5 Minute Fiction: If I Could Only

5 Minute Fiction: If I Could Only

November 10, 2022

A woman goes on vacation and meets a handsome stranger in a seaside bar. They discuss life, love, and Humphrey Bogart. (Short Fiction)

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5 Minute Fiction: Tuesday

5 Minute Fiction: Tuesday

November 04, 2022

A worm. A garden. A certain day of the week. (Short Fiction)

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5 Minute Fiction: A Nightmare Semester

5 Minute Fiction: A Nightmare Semester

November 03, 2022

A woman goes to bed on Halloween night and has a chilling nightmare. (Short Fiction)

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5 Things You Probably Don't Know About My Novel Uncover

5 Things You Probably Don't Know About My Novel Uncover

October 27, 2022

On the ten-year anniversary of my self-publishing journey, I share five little-known things about the first novel I published, Uncover.

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5 Minute Fiction: A Chilling Visitor

5 Minute Fiction: A Chilling Visitor

October 26, 2022

A woman and her son build an adorable snowman together only to realize that he’s not what he seems. (Short Fiction)

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5 Minute Fiction: Blood and Kibble

5 Minute Fiction: Blood and Kibble

October 21, 2022

Garlic the cat has a bloody little secret. (Short Fiction).

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